Dr. Provencher is in the top 1% of orthopedic researchers. Becker’s Orthopedic Review just announced the top 182 orthopedic research all-stars according to Avant-Garde Health

The Avant-Garde Healthcare Research All-Stars 2024 list, recognizes top physicians and hospitals across 10 specialties, including orthopedic surgery.

Top hospitals and surgeons are identified by procedural volumes, peer-reviewed publications and publication weight.

The methodology includes:

  • Identify Surgeons
  • Obtain Procedural Volumes
  • Link Surgeons to Hospitals
  • Compile Peer-Review Publications
  • Calculate Publication Rates
  • Create a Weighted Publication Score

You can see the original announcement from Becker’s Orthopedic Review: Orthopedic surgeons in the top 1% in alphabetical order.